Situation: Doni asa freshman is trying to make friends.
Doni: Hello. My name is Doni. What is your name?
Adit: Hi. Iam Adit. Nice to meet you
Doni: nice to meet you, too. Are you a new student here?
Adit: No, iam in the third year now. You must be the new
Doni: you are right. I just want to make friends
Adit: That’s good. Sorry, but I must be leaving now. Bye
Doni: sure. Good bye
Simple present tense : The use of To Be (is, am, are) to express
present fact or condition.
Posstive (+) : Negative
(-) :
I am =
I’m I
am not = I’m not
He is =
He’s He
is not = He isn’t
She is =
She’s She
is = She isn’t
It is =
it’s It
is not = it isn’t
You are =
You’re You
are not =
You Aren’t
We are =
We’re We
are not =
We aren’t
They are =
They’re They
are = they aren’t
Introgative (?) :
Am i? is
it? Are you? Are they?
Is he? Is
she? Are we?
Simple Pesent tense:
The use of verb 1 + s/es
We use simple Present
tense for thing that are true in general, or for thing that happen sometimes or
all the time
I, you, we, they (just
verb 1)
Example : I
go to sleep at 10 night
drink milk
She, he, it ( verb 1+
Example : he goes to
sleep at 10 night
drinks milk
Catatan : akhiran –es ditambahkan pada kata kerja yang berakhiran
dengan s, sh, ch, z, x, o dan sebagian y
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